Thursday, October 10, 2013

assignment 3 DEPTH OF FIELD

Depth of field is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph. A preferred selection Depth of field in a focused subject in an image can be quite are two photos that you can definitely see depth of field in. 

this photo is taken by annie leibovitz this shows alot of depth of field,only 3 things are focal because  the 3 things are right front of the picture but you can still see the buildings and the trees in the background.  

assignment 3 focal point

the focal point in this picture is the mans eyes and lips,i know this because as soon as i see it thats what stands out.

6 Techniques to Enhance the Focal Point in an Image

  • Position – Place it in a prominent position – you might want to start with the rule of thirds for some ideas.
  • Focus – Learn to use Depth of Field to blur out other aspects in front or behind your focal point.
  • Blur – If you really want to get tricky you might want to play with slower shutter speeds if your main subject is still and things around it are moving.
  • Size – making your focal point large is not the only way to make it prominent – but it definitely can help.
  • Color – using contrasting colors can also be a way of setting your point of interest apart from it’s surroundings.
  • Shape – similarly contrasting shapes and textures can make a subject stand out – especially patterns that are repeated around a subject.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

assignment 3 lighting

Light is what allows us to see. It is what shapes and colors every object we can see with out eyes, it creates depth, mood, and color.

1. Exposure - how bright a scene is and how it effects our image.
2. Quality - how focused or diffuse light is.
3. Color - the color of the light in an image.
4. Direction - where is the light coming from?
5. Highlight - the brightest part of the image
6. Shadow - the darkest part of the image.
7. Contrast - The difference between the bright part of an image and the dark part of an image

Thursday, October 3, 2013

assignment 3 COMPOSITION

10 Top Photography Composition Rules
 Rule of Thirds
Balancing Elements
 Leading Lines
Symmetry and Patterns